How Air Conditioning Repair Works

Air Conditioning Repair involves a service technician coming to your house to fix an AC system so it starts to work again. This typically entails the following steps.

Air Conditioning

They’ll start by checking the thermostat to make sure it’s properly set. Contact Pro Air Install & Repair for professional help.

They’ll then check the power switch to your outdoor unit and the breaker box that supplies it with electricity. If everything looks fine, they’ll probably move on to other things.

The capacitor is a component that stores electrical energy. It consists of two metal plates with a material called a dielectric in between them. The dielectric has a special property that allows it to store a large amount of energy for a very long time. The capacitor can then release that energy into a circuit when needed. Capacitors can be used in many different ways, but their main uses are coupling (where they ‘block’ DC from certain parts of a circuit) and decoupling (where they deliberately pass AC current to ground).

The ideal capacitance is defined as C = Q V, where the capacitance C is the ratio of the charge on each conductor (often called plates) to the voltage between them. The unit of capacitance is the farad (F), named after British physicist Michael Faraday. The actual capacitance of a capacitor varies widely, depending on the construction and environmental factors.

A capacitor’s physical characteristics primarily affect its capacitance, with the largest capacity usually obtained from a pair of parallel plates with a large area and small separation, separated by a dielectric with a high permittivity. The more conductive the plates and the less dense the dielectric, the higher the capacitance. The dielectric must also be able to sustain a high enough breakdown voltage without losing too much energy at low frequencies, which can cause loss of capacitance and distortion.

Another important aspect of capacitor construction is the leads, which can be either axial or radial. An axial lead is an arrangement of wires that extend along the axis of the capacitor’s cylindrical body. A radial lead is an arrangement of wires that extend outward from opposite ends of the capacitor’s flat body. A radial lead is usually easier to solder than an axial one, but both configurations can be found in production.

All capacitors have varying lifespans, which depend on the construction, operating conditions, and environment. The life of a capacitor may be affected by its exposure to vibration, temperature changes, humidity, and mechanical stress. The type of capacitor that is most prone to these effects are metal-film capacitors, which are susceptible to corrosion and fatigue.


Located in the outdoor unit of your air conditioning system, the contactor is like a switch that controls power flow to components. When it’s working properly, it closes to let electricity flow from the electrical outlet to the compressor and fan motors. This allows the system to start cooling when your thermostat sends a signal that it’s time for air conditioning. When the contactor is faulty, it stops closing. As a result, the AC won’t receive the power it needs to cool your home.

Visible signs of wear on the contactor, such as a darkened or pitted appearance, indicate that it’s time to replace it. Over time, the arcs that occur when the switch opens and shuts can wear down the contacts, leading to less efficient power transfer. If your contactor is pitted or shows signs of arcing, a technician can test it to see if it still has continuity.

The test involves connecting a multimeter to the contacts and testing for voltage. A technician also checks the coils to see if they are open. If the coils are damaged, they cannot be repaired and will need to be replaced.

A professional can also clean the contactor, ensuring that it’s free of ants and cobwebs. These can interfere with proper power transfer, especially if there are insect nests on the contacts. They can also shield the contacts to prevent insects from accessing them.

If your contactor is displaying symptoms of failure, turn off the power to your air conditioning system by turning off the circuit breaker or shutting off the fuses. Next, remove the access panel cover from your outdoor unit and look for a black rectangular device with multiple wires connected to it. If you’re able to remove the cover, look for a pair of latching electrical contacts in the center that connect or break power supply lines.

Before you remove the wires from the contactor, take a picture or label them so that you can reconnect them correctly later. Once the wires are disconnected, carefully inspect the contactor for visible signs of damage or wear. If the coils are damaged or burnt out, they can’t be repaired and must be replaced.

Blower Motor

The blower motor is one of the most essential components in your system, responsible for moving air through your ductwork. But like any other mechanical and electrical device, the blower motor can be susceptible to problems. A variety of issues can cause a blower motor to malfunction and ultimately fail, including physical damage, electrical challenges, or even age-related wear and tear.

If you notice little to no airflow through your vents, this is a clear sign that the blower motor has stopped working. However, lack of airflow could also mean a clogged filter or closed vent, so it’s best to consult with an experienced heating and cooling specialist to determine what the cause is.

A common problem with the blower motor is a bad capacitor. When this device fails, it stops the rotor from spinning and may overheat. This can cause the resin insulation on the windings to melt down, causing the motor to stop working.

Another possible issue with the blower motor is a bad bearing. This component reduces friction and helps the motor turn at high RPM. When the bearings wear out, they may make a grinding or screeching noise and not spin at all.

An AC technician can replace the bearings and restore the blower motor to proper functioning. However, if the blower motor has sustained physical damage or continues to malfunction frequently, it’s time to consider replacing it with a new unit.

Other symptoms of a failing blower motor include rattling, clanking, or banging sounds. These indicate that there is a loose or broken part somewhere inside the motor. It’s important to contact a professional right away to fix these issues before they worsen. Getting the blower motor repaired promptly will prevent the motor from breaking down and putting additional strain on other parts of your system.


The thermostat is one of the most important parts of your air conditioning system. It is the brain of your AC unit and it can tell you a lot about its health. If your thermostat is not working correctly, it can lead to AC problems that may not be as apparent as other issues that might be happening with your system. This is why it is so important to have your home’s thermostat checked and repaired regularly.

Thermostats can be more likely to show signs of a problem than other components of your air conditioning system because they are a separate part that is easier to access and repair. However, it’s still possible for other parts of your system to show symptoms before the thermostat does because of wear and tear over time.

A faulty thermostat can cause your AC to not work properly because it won’t detect the right temperature. If you feel your home is warmer or cooler than what is displayed on the thermostat, you should use a thermometer to check that the problem lies with your thermostat rather than the rest of your home.

Other symptoms of a faulty thermostat can include a high energy bill. This is because the broken thermostat will not translate your home’s temperature needs into an AC setting correctly, resulting in the AC working overtime to get the job done.

Another symptom is the thermostat’s display turning on and off frequently. This is called short cycling and it can be very damaging to your AC unit because it puts extreme stress on the compressor and can make it wear out more quickly than it should.

Often, you can reset your thermostat by simply flipping the circuit breaker that controls it off and on again. This is a quick fix and it works in many cases, but if you are experiencing other problems with your air conditioning system, you should call a professional to come take a look. This way, you can be sure that your thermostat is not the root of the issue and that there are no other underlying problems with your air conditioner that need to be addressed before an expensive AC replacement becomes necessary.